
Kategoria: ENGLISH

Threatened for Telling the Truth: Polish Journalist Speaks Out

Artykuł zamieszczony w portalu Mad in America, organizacji charytatywnej działającej na rzecz pacjentów psychiatrycznych. For over thirty years now I have been a journalist, traveler, and writer. I have written over a hundred books, most of them self-help books about reprogramming the subconscious mind, a healthy lifestyle, travel adventure books, cookbooks, and courses in foreign

Beata Pawlikowska – about

Beata Pawlikowska is a writer, journalist, traveler, and author of over one hundred motivational, travel, culinary, and language books about her solo trips to various ends of the world, her life transformations, and her healthy lifestyle. Beata does her own photographs and drawings for the books. Beata is the President of the Hope and Knowledge